Faster, Easier, More Secure Customer Identity APIs
Mar 12, 2019
11AM - 12PM MT
Dustin Maxey
Zach Collier

Registration, authentication, account recovery, oh my. These and many other identity services are fraught with decades of best practices and pitfalls that can wreak havoc on the security and customer experience of your application. You shouldn’t have to worry about any of it.

Join Ping Identity to take a technical tour of our newest PingOne for Customers sample application. It’s a working app that leverages developer-friendly REST APIs for embedded authentication, registration, MFA, CRUD operations on a cloud user repository and more. Whether you want to use PingOne for Customers to get your app out the door quickly without worrying about security, or you’re just exploring customer identity for the first time, you won’t want to miss this hands-on webinar.

PingOne for Customers is a cloud-based, API-first solution for customer identity. It’s standards based so it can handle all of your identity use cases. It allows you to get your app up and running quickly and takes security off of your plate.

If you'd like to get your hands on PingOne for Customers before the webinar, SIGN UP FOR A TRIAL TODAY.