PingID SDK: Multi-factor Authentication for Customers
9:00am MT
Chris Collier, Sr Technical Lead 
Dustin Maxey, Dir Product Marketing 

Compromised customer credentials due to password reuse, brute force attacks or phishing attacks can damage your brand. The best way to protect your customer data from these attack vectors is with multi-factor authentication (MFA). However, customers will not tolerate disjointed MFA experiences and require a careful balance between security and convenience.

Join us for a short, 20-minute demo to learn how the PingID SDK can help you strike that balance by embedding strong MFA right into your own mobile application. We’ll step into the role of a customer to show you how PingID’s mobile SDK can be used for:

  • Out-of-band MFA
  • Transaction approvals
  • Device-based authentication from within your mobile app(s)
  • Enabling a customer-managed network of trusted devices

Don’t miss this short, 20-minute demonstration around the brand new PingID SDK. Even if you can’t make the event, be sure to register to receive a recording of the demo.