Ping Identity Training

3 Day PingFederate Administration Training

October 4-6, 2022 | 9:00am - 5:00pm AET

3 Day PingFederate Administration Training

Date: October 4-6, 2022
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm AET
Cost: USD $2,400 per person
Location: Online (Zoom Meeting)

This three-day course steps students through implementing various use cases with PingFederate. The course introduces the students to industry concepts such as federation, SAML and OAuth, as well PingFederate-specific topics such as integration kits. Hands-on exercises allow the participants to have first-hand experience installing and configuring PingFederate, establishing a web SSO connection and OAuth clients, and doing some basic troubleshooting.

The class topics include:

  • Introduction to Federation, Web SSO and SAML
  • Overview of PingFederate
  • Installing PingFederate and Configuring a Federation Server
  • Configuring IdP and SP Web SSO Connections
  • Configuring an OAuth authorization server
  • Clustering
  • Administration and Troubleshooting

The class consists of lecture and hands-on lab exercises. Each student will need to connect with their own laptop with sufficient bandwidth for accessing online VM lab environments.

This is a paid training event. You will receive a payment invoice via email. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

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We will follow up to let you know if we're able to accommodate your request.