Ping Identity Training

3 Day PingFederate Administration Training

April 5-7, 2022 | 9:00am - 5:00pm MT

3 Day PingFederate Administration Training

Date: April 5-7, 2022
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm MT
Cost: USD $2,400 per person
Location: Online (Zoom Meetings)

This three-day course steps students through implementing various use cases with PingFederate. The course introduces the students to industry concepts such as federation, SAML and OAuth, as well PingFederate-specific topics such as integration kits. Hands-on exercises allow the participants to have first-hand experience installing and configuring PingFederate, establishing a web SSO connection and OAuth clients, and doing some basic troubleshooting.

The class topics include:

  • Introduction to Federation, Web SSO and SAML
  • Overview of PingFederate
  • Installing PingFederate and Configuring a Federation Server
  • Configuring IdP and SP Web SSO Connections
  • Configuring an OAuth authorization server
  • Clustering
  • Administration and Troubleshooting

The class consists of lecture and hands-on lab exercises. Each student will need to connect with their own laptop with sufficient bandwidth for accessing online VM lab environments.

This is a paid training event. Ping Identity's finance department will send an invoice within two weeks of the class' start date. The option to pay with a credit card will be available for invoices in USD only. All invoices will be in USD unless another currency is requested at least 14 days prior to the class. You will be charged for any cancellations made less than 15 days prior to the class start date per the click through agreement. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Class is Full!

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We will follow up to let you know if we're able to accommodate your request.