One Day of OAuth

If you want to learn all about OAuth and OpenID Connect and what they can do for you, please join us for this training class!  We will discuss the history of OAuth, the use cases it works with, basic terminology and the protocol flow.  Then we explore various implementation strategies for Web Server, User Agent and Native Application use cases pertaining to PingFederate.

OpenID Connect defines an identity layer (OpenID) on top of the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework. We will discuss more about what OpenID Connect is, when you would use it, and how you can set it up with PingFederate.

The class topics include:
    •    History of OAuth
    •    Use cases for OAuth
    •    OAuth terminology and protocol flow
    •    Implementation strategies
    •    OpenID Connect overview

The class consists of lecture and hands-on lab exercises.  You will be required to provide your own laptop.
If you are interested in attending this class, please complete our registration page.  If you need addtional details or are interested any other classroom training, please contact our Education Manager, Karen Gratiano, at [email protected].

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